Grupni zaroni


5 dana


od   2450 €

Naš ronilački centar nudi mogućnost grupnog ronjenja u Dubrovniku za svako društvo od minimalno 8 osoba. Ako ste skupina certificiranih ronilaca, trebali biste razmotriti ovu opciju jer je ekonomičnija, a također ćete imati svoje privatno podvodno iskustvo.  

Doživjet ćete cijeli dan, ili nekoliko dana ronilačke avanture, podijeljene u dva dnevna zarona. Ako vremenske prilike dopuste, odvest ćemo vas na bilo koje mjesto za ronjenje koje odaberete - provjerite naše lokacije OVDJE. Neke od morskih olupina su smještene dalje, pa će vam biti naplaćena dodatna naknada za gorivo ako budete zainteresirani za ronjenje na tim lokacijama.  

Prvog dana kada dođete ovdje obično radimo jedan lakši zaron kako bismo malo upoznali vas i vaše vještine prije nego što vas odvedemo na zahtjevniji zaron. Obično vodimo ronjenja za velike grupe od 15. travnja do 10. lipnja i od 15. rujna do 31. listopada. Ukoliko nam se odlučite pridružiti potrebno je rezervirati svoj termin unaprijed kako bismo mogli osigurati dovoljno mjesta za cijelo društvo. Za rezervaciju je potrebno uplatiti 30% depozita.  

Ukoliko je u grupi više od 8 ronilaca voditelj izleta može roniti besplatno! 
Za sve daljnje informacije, rezervacije i pojedinosti molimo vas da nam se javite direktno kroz formu kako bismo mogli bukirati vaš termin za ronjenje.


Trip advisor

Michele R

Great experience


As an inexperienced diver, going here was a great choice. They grouped us according to experience levels, so everyone had a good/appropriate experience. The guides were great, and we saw a lot of interesting fish, corals, and sea life. I would definitely dive with them again if I came back to this area.

Trip advisor

Alexandra Daniela

All you need


I would definitely recommend the dive center either your an advanced diver or not. If you have some experience at diving and you are looking for a serious diving center with good equipment, nice dive sites, very friendly staff, and well prepared, then look no more. Here you have it all. Maro was the best dive buddy I had. 

Trip advisor

Felicity C

Professional, thorough, reassuring dive experience


First new dive centre after qualifying as advanced open water divers. The pre assessment and briefing was extremely thorough and reassuring. Marco (with hair! our lead diver for the morning was superb; Marco (without hair) was equally fantastic as lead diver for our afternoon dive.

Trip advisor

Randy W

Highly recommend!


Let me start by saying, I highly recommend Blue planet diving if you’re in Croatia. The facility and equipment are top notch and the people at the dive center were wonderful. Not a lot of large, marine life, but the geography offers many many caves and areas explore, making this a truly unique dive experience and location. The cost is reasonable and includes rental gear, and the boat rides to the dive sites are quick and easy. Trust me, you won’t go wrong booking your Croatia dive experience with Blue planet!

Trip advisor


First dive experience for my 13 year old daughter


I took my daughter aged 13 for a 2 dive experience. She had never dived before. Mateja our instructor was excellent. My daughter was a bit nervous and didn't manage long on the first dive. However Mateja re-assured her and made her feel comfortable for the second dive. Mateja stayed very close to her and held her hand for the majority. She came back from this having had an amazing experience and keen to do it again on our next holiday.   
Personally I am Padi Advanced but have not been diving since my daughter was born. So it was good to get a bit if a refresher. The facilities were good and the staff very professional. I would not hesitate to recommend Blue Planet for anyone wanting to dive in Dubrovnik.

Trip advisor

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